Teaching Moment: In the Kitchen

Body Mindfulness In Action, in the kitchen (my fav place)

1. Put the thing down. Pause.

2. Organize yourself.

3. Bring hips back over heels releasing rib cage back with break (For her in particular, but also often people)

4. Think of leaving your shoulder blade back when reaching.

5. Finger tips lead: connect with the support from your back.

6. When looking down: think of lengthening the back of the neck up to let the eyes gaze down and release at the atlanto-axial joint (helps with that sub-occipital tension!).

7. Do as little effort as possible to get the job done ✅

8. Remind yourself to release the jaw 😄

9. Always, am I breathing?

10. Just like learning or unlearning anything, all these things become easier with practice. Habits change incrementally over time. Every time you become aware of a habit you’re working on changing, celebrate non-judgmentally (aka don’t beat yourself up). Yay! I caught myself, that means more is coming up to the surface of my awareness.

That’s the essence of being mindful in motion.
In alignment,
Deena xox