Releasing Habits of Tension

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In a session, with light hands-on guidance, you can learn how to unlock and release tension you perhaps were unaware of— or weren’t sure how to let go, yet.

What’s fascinating in the table work is when a student is trying to figure out how to let it go. What’s important is that I’m not doing it for them or at them. I am trained to provide light feedback for these habits to come to the surface, and a safe space for them to consciously undo that habit.

Funny story- one of my students, a guitar player, obviously has some wrist/arm overdoing. What’s interesting with this student is, I will say, while she’s on the table, “now imagine you’re playing guitar” and she will start tensing in certain habitual places.

We laugh, then work through that habit of tension so she can be empowered to consciously let it go. This is a mind+body learning, tuning into the proprioceptive system.

This is an opportunity for change, to re-wire.

All muscles need a chance to rest (lengthen) just as they need to engage (shorten). In this work, we’re teaching our own nervous system through embodied mindfulness how to allow certain muscles that are on lockdown to relax.

The table work can be an easier place to consciously release tension because people feel they don’t need to “do” anything, plus they have a different relationship with gravity. They don’t have to carry their heavy head up, which also helps.

When they return to the chair for sitting and standing, without that unnecessary tension and with this greater lightness, they move more easily. They often have found space available within.

That’s why I hear so much “I feel taller.” It’s just that they have lengthened into their full self. And even as we ebb and flow, and become tense again or collapse again, because let’s face it, we are all dealing with stress— the importance is the experience of that potential to move back into.
That you have options outside what you know you need to let go.

You have a choice in body+mind, and in that integration comes change.

Photo: @gokateshoot
With the amazing @erinxwashington

Deena Odelle Hyatt